Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture
One of the three main research institutes at Nanzan University, the NIRC is a global hub for scholars to engage in discussions on all aspects of religion through conferences, workshops, and lectures. The Institute also produces an array of internationally acclaimed publications on religion and intercultural philosophy.
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies
A peer-reviewed journal specializing in the publication of research on the study of Japanese religions.
Bulletin of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture
An English-language journal documenting the annual research activities of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture.
News and Announcements
Buddhist Text Translation
The fifth session of the Buddhist Text Translation seminar will be held on 14 March and hosted by Kameyama Takahiko on the topic of Annen's view of suchness. Please contact us to participate.
14th Nishida Seminar
The next Nishida seminar on the topic of Nishida’s “Absolute Contradictory Self-Identity” and Hegel will be held on 28 March. See here for details.
JJRS 50/2
A special issue of the JJRS on Tenrikyo and Omoto has been published. Download the issue here.
Japanese Religions Database
Matthew McMullen is awarded for creating a Japanese Religions Database. Please contact us with recommendations for online resources to add to the database.
Buddhist Text Translation
The sixth meeting of the Buddhist Text Translation seminar will be held on 25 April. See here for details.
Japanese Philosophy and Heidegger
A two-day workshop on Japanese Philosophy and Heidegger will be hosted on 7~8 March. See here for details.
Nanzan University and Research on Japanese Religions
A book talk for The New Nanzan Guide to Japanese Religions will be held on 22 March. See here for details.
NIRC on YouTube
NIRC events can be viewed on our YouTube channel.
JJRS Style Guide
An updated JJRS Style Guide is now available on the journal website. To facilitate a quicker publication time, the journal will begin publishing articles on an individual basis rather than as issues. Contact the editors for details.

About the Institute
The Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture was founded in 1976 with the aim of promoting dialogue among religions, philosophies, and cultures East and West.